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Das neue BLAZE BAYLEY Album wird den Titel „Infinite Entanglement“ tragen und soll am 1. März 2016 in den Handel kommen und heute wurde das „Infinite Entanglement“ Frontcover enthüllt.
BLAZE BAYLEY sagte: „It’s a concept album. My first solo album was influenced by science fiction and a lot of my favorite books and also things that are happening in science fiction and artificial intelligence — with ‚Silicon Messiah‘; that was my first one. And then I did a full concept album with my second solo album called ‚Tenth Dimension‘. This follows on, really, from both of those albums, some of the ideas that I had back then, as well as some of the things that are happening in quantum physics; I’ve become more interested in that. So, using that, really, it’s a story about someone who doesn’t know if they’re human. And I’m writing a book, and the album is based on the things that happen in the book.“
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BLAZE BAYLEY: enthüllt Album Titel und Frontcover!
Text: Dark Lord
Veröffentlicht am 24.12.2015 um 15:36 UhrDas neue BLAZE BAYLEY Album wird den Titel „Infinite Entanglement“ tragen und soll am 1. März 2016 in den Handel kommen und heute wurde das „Infinite Entanglement“ Frontcover enthüllt.
BLAZE BAYLEY sagte: „It’s a concept album. My first solo album was influenced by science fiction and a lot of my favorite books and also things that are happening in science fiction and artificial intelligence — with ‚Silicon Messiah‘; that was my first one. And then I did a full concept album with my second solo album called ‚Tenth Dimension‘. This follows on, really, from both of those albums, some of the ideas that I had back then, as well as some of the things that are happening in quantum physics; I’ve become more interested in that. So, using that, really, it’s a story about someone who doesn’t know if they’re human. And I’m writing a book, and the album is based on the things that happen in the book.“
„All the fans that I’ve spoke to and told them about the concept and the idea, they all seem really into it. So I’m very excited. I’m not really limiting myself on this album. So there are elements of music that are the same as my first two solo albums, and also of my last album, and of my acoustic album.“
„We’ve got most of the album finished. I’ve still got some lyrics that I’ve left open, but most of it’s finished. And now it’s listening through to these demos from rehearsals and going through those lyrics and checking them and making sure that they’re not embarrassing, and all of that, and then we start recording on the 1st of December.“
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freut mich, mag seine Songs irgendwie ganz gern. Die letzte war etwas zu hart für meinen Geschmack, da dürfte er gerne wieder etwas zurückhaltender vorgehen. Aber ich bin auf jeden Fall gespannt, was kommt.
Freue mich ebenfalls – gerne dann auch wieder live 😉
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