Home › Foren › Metal-Markt › Biete… › CARCHARODON RoachStomper – Stoner Metal / Death’N’Roll
The Italian Stoner Metal / Death’n’Roll band Carcharodon signed to Altsphere.
In 2008 they released their first album and toured Texas and California for 1 month.
They’re back with a new album coming for April 2013. Watch their recording session video now!
Recommended if you’re able to like a mix of HANK III, HIGH ON FIRE, ENTOMBED,CROWBAR and MASTODON
Click to read the news and Watch the video :
http://altsphere.com/news-53-Carcharodon-signingDiscover the artwork of Roachstomper; Carcharodon second album.
The artist from Giant’s Lab tell us about her meeting with the Italian Stoner Metal / Death’n’Roll band.
Then, check out recording session video of the day 2.
Click to read the complete news and watch the videos :
http://altsphere.com/en/news-58-Roachstompers-artwork-and-Carcharodon-studio-videoHighlights von metal-hammer.deRock am Ring/Rock im Park 2025: Alle Infos zu den Festivals
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Are you seriously ready to listen to the big drums ot the Italian Stoner Metal / Death’n’Roll band ?
Click to watch the video of Carcharodon’s Roachstomper recording session Day 3 : http://altsphere.com/en/news-65-Carcharodon-recording-session-Day3
When country music and blues meet Metal, Death & Rock’n’roll…. are you really ready to listen to the Italian Stoner Metal / Death’n’Roll band ?
Watch now the video of Carcharodon’s Roachstomper recording session Day 4 : http://altsphere.com/en/news-66-Carcharodon-in-Studio-Day-4
Very first German review by Alternativ Musik : http://www.alternativmusik.de/rezensionen/carcharodon-roachstomper/
Watch now Dixie’s guitars recording session video : http://altsphere.com/en/news-67-Stomp-the-roach-
Discover also Carcharodon pictures taken from „Burial in Whiskey Waves“ video shooting : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151299618403966.487652.38342523965&type=1
Review by Lords Of Metal.nl :
„Groovy rocking stoner with quite a few southern metal influences (…) All this sounds so southern American that many southern American band won’t even come close to this.“ (74/100)Watch the lastest Roachstomper recording session video and enjoy the first single track taken from the new Carcharodon album „Pig Squeal Nation“
: http://altsphere.com/en/news-68-Last-day-in-studio-with-CarcharodonListen to Marilyn Monrhoid, new track from Roachstomper, Carcharodon’s new album : http://altsphere.com/en/news-69-New-Carcharodon-song–Marilyn-Monrhoid
Read the crazy funny lyrics too !
„The Carcharodon sound reminisces in horror-punk, but there’s a whole new stoner-rock level here. (…) Don’t be fooled by their name, they’re not not your average death metal band, they’re something way more and it comes to no suprise that they’re starting to make a name for themselves.“ (Powerplay)
Listen to Voodoo Autopsy the 3rd sample taken from Carcharodon new album Roachstomper which will be release in April on Altsphere
: http://altsphere.com/en/news-75-Carcharodon—Voodoo-Autopsy-new-song-taken-from-RoachstomperWatch Burial in Whiskey Waves the official video taken from Carcharodon new album Roachstomper which will be released on April 5th on Altsphere Production.
: http://altsphere.com/en/news-79-Burial-in-Whiskey-Waves-videoclip-and-preorder-RoachstomperStay tuned for the announcement of their upcoming gigs accross THE WORLD !!
„This is perfect mosh-pit/head-banging material to rock out to. And you can’t get any better that. Great music, few beers and hanging out with your friends. (…) After multiple listens, I am very fond of this album and I rate it very highly. And you will to if you decide to check out the world of the mighty Carcharodon . Highly Recommended.“ (The Sludge Lord)
The second album of Italian band Carcharodon is released today and available as CD from Altsphere, Amazon,… and on digital from the main platforms.
Roachstomper collected eleven new original Southern stoner metal and death’n’roll tracks.
Das Album ist ganz ein ganz besonderes, denn wenn ein Song anfängt, weißt du nie, wo er hinführt. Das macht das Album auch nach gefühlt 143.872 Durchläufen jedes mal wieder zu einem Genuss. Mein Geschmacksareal wird 100%ig getroffen und ich denke, die Band hat einen guten Weg vor sich, denn “the sky has no limits”. (Amboss Mag)
Der Einfluss von DOWN wird in den zweistimmigen Leads und unverzerrten Parts von „Stoneface Legacy“, „The Sky Has No Limits“ und dem Beinahe-Instrumental „Beaumont, TX“ offenbar, wohingegen die zahlreichen Wendungen und Temowechsel an die progressive Phase von Ozzy und Konsorten gemahnt, 8/15 (MusikReviews.com)
More infos : http://altsphere.com/en/news-85-Carcharodon-Roachstomper-out-now
Last Saturday about 200 people joined the sludgy ambience of CARCHARODON Roachstomper Release Party in Italy.
Click to watch pictures and videos taken from the Release Party of Italian Southern Stoner Death’n’Roll band new album
http://altsphere.com/en/news-87-Carcharodons-Roachstomper-Release-Party-reviewDiscover the real spirit of the Italian Southern death’n’roll combo CARCHARODON n this totally crazy video interview in which the band presents its new album ROACHSTOMPER
„exactly like Entombed and Venom pissing off their downstairs‘ neighbors having a drunken ho-down to dirty southern metal. Make no bones about it, ‚Roachstomper‘ is an unpretentious riff monster that never takes itself too seriously, but is brimming with more life and variety than the underside of a scabby student carpet.“ (Terrorizer Magazine)
Schlagwörter: carcharodon, Death, roachstomper, Sludge, Stoner
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