Home › Foren › Maximum Metal › Metal, Menschen, Sensationen › Massive Assault (Swedish style deathmetal)
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Live video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTcPPiJ4RqEconcert @ Path of Death IV – M8 – Mainz – Germany
New song „Cause / Effect“ [live/edited] @ The Path of Death 4 fest – Germany
Thanks to filmteam „Gratwanderung“ for filming and video editing.
Great job!
[youtube]KannKtuRdggWow. Nach vier Jahren voller Selbstgesprächen kommt jetzt ein kommentarloses Bild einer verdreckten oder gar schimmligen Wand. Macht doch gleich Rosettenraten mit Bildern aller Bandmitgliedern
New Massive Assault song and video online!
New album „Mortar“ will be out on VINYL and Digital Download on July 7 via FDA Records.
The CD will be out in September.The album contains 9 raging songs a brutal mix between the classic Dutch- Swedish- and British Death Metal,
The Italian artist Roberto Toderico (Asphyx, Legion Of The Damned, Sinister, Sadistic Intent etc.) is responsible for the amazing artwork.
Listen to the 1st. advance single, enjoy the lyric video for ‚Deranged Humanit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbVVxmqPtUk
The Vinyl Pre-sale starts right now, right here: https://fda-records.com/gx2/de/massive-assault-mortar-lp-7-7-2017.html
Track listing:
01. World Funeral
02. Cause/ Effect
03. Suffer In Terror
04. Extinction
05. Original Sin
06. Empty Shell
07. Anger Overdrive
08. Frozen Hell
09. Deranged HumanityIt’s back with a new videoclip!
json formatter and editor | spanish english dictionary and translator | bullet force games play online | protect javascript code freePre-order Massive Assaults new album ‚Mortar‘ Available 7th juli
A1 World Funeral 3:54
A2 Cause Effect 4:08
A3 Suffer in Terror 4:10
A4 Extinction 1:59
A5 Original Sin (Instrumental) 4:06
B1 Empty Shell 3:31
B2 Anger Overdrive 3:49
B3 Frozen Hell 4:49
B4 Deranged Humanity 4:3733 1⁄3 rpm
Shop > http://massiveassault.bigcartel.com/product/mortar-full-length-album-12-vinyl-lp
zuletzt geändert von freddekaddethToday it’s official! Massive Assaults ‚Mortar‘ album is out now on 12″ vinyl!
Musicstream and shop > https://massiveassault.bandcamp.com/album/mortar -
Schlagwörter: Asphyx, Bolt Thrower, Boss HM-2, Death Metal, disfear, dismember, Entombed, gorefest, old school death metal, Swedish Death Metal
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