Re: Welche Bands habt ihr bis jetzt live gesehen?

Home Foren Maximum Metal Metal, Menschen, Sensationen Welche Bands habt ihr bis jetzt live gesehen? Re: Welche Bands habt ihr bis jetzt live gesehen?

#176693  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 17.12.2004

Beiträge: 27,709

Jahresliste bisher:

-Silent Leges Inter Arma, Geist, (Kratein, Todtgelichter)
-Saint Vitus, Centurions Ghost
-Thoth, Battue, Ridden by Disease
-Leather Nun, Iron Hearse
-Ram, Enforcer, Asmodis, Ruffians, Savage Grace, Blitzkrieg, Omen, The Rods, Raven, Blizzard, Heretic, Barbatos
-Revocation, Beneath the Massacre, Origin, Anfang von Dying Fetus
-Gorgoroth, Gravdal, Keep of Kalessin
-Cauldron, Enforcer, Suicidal Angels
-The Stone, Fen, Negura Bunget
-Nocturnal, Ketzer, (Kill, Gospel of the Horns, Baphomet’s Blood, Jailbreakers)
-Bst, Hiam, Ophis
-The Haunted, Slayer
-The Wounded Kings, Grave Miasma, In Solitude, Excoriate, Maniac Butcher, Deströyer 666, Mayhem, Antichrist, Trench Hell, Pentacle, October Tide, Repugnant, Sadictic Intent, Secrets of the Moon, Abysmal Grief (Hell’s Pleasure)
-Grand Magus, Destruction, Jameson Raid , Tygers of Pan Tang, Demon, Trench Hell, Blood Feast, Omen, Raven, Solitude Aeturnus (HOA)
-unspektakuläre Vorband, Amulance, Omen, Trench Hell
-Cerebral Bore, Devourment
-Omega Massif, Mountain Witch
-Evocation, Facebreaker, Human Debris
-Metal Witch, Dragonsfire, Fallen Time
-Setherial, Inquisition, Paria, Truppensturm, Baptism, (Freitod, Dies Ater, Weltbrand, Morte Incandescente, Fatal Embrace) (Fireblade Force)
-Ensiferum, Swashbuckle, Equilibrium, Heidevolk, Twilight of Gods
-Resurrection, Solace of Requiem, Alibi for a Murder
-Fäulnis, Farsot, Ctulu, Nachtsucht, Dorthornion
-(Schwarzer Engel), Ahab, The Vision Bleak
-Deströyer 666, Watain
-Mountain Witch, Jex Thoth
-Place of Skulls, Eternal Elysium
-Napalm Death, Immolation, Macabre
-Headbanger, Rezet
-Black Witchery, Deiphago, Zerstörer, Thrashing Pumpguns, Thorybos
-Black Witchery, Deiphago, Zerstörer, Vulcano
-Embrace of Thorns, Bone Awl, Blasphemophagher, Xibalba, Mytifier, Order from Chaos, Von Goat, Black Witchery, Proclamation, Dead Congregation, Ares Kingdom, Blasphemy (NWN)


Support the dying cult of underground metal! Stay black and brutal forever! If it was not for my parents I would have tried to kill myself before Instead i listend to Slayer and dreamt on A world without war is like a city without whores