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Freut mich 8) Hier noch mal ein etwas älterer Text, naja, etwas klischeehaft, find ich mittlerweile und irgendwie gefallen mir einige Passagen auch nicht so gut, nunja, entscheidet selbst!
Writing a Lovesong for a „Evil Dead“-Fan isn’t so easy
Not in the least I wanted
something like this to happen.
a doctor would call it malpractice
but in the effect
the patient’s now lying dead (Cold Store Rock)
Just like the doctor’s ones
my little mistakes aren’t attended
but the results are more terrible
than losing your conscience
at 90 miles per hour
short before a traffic jam.
You’ve waited long enough
now here’s the deal:
Since you wanted to go
I’m searching, searching, searching.
This can’t be for real.
I’ve rummaged the whole appartement
I’ve looked (in) every cask,
it has no sense.
This little nice beheading was worth a shit
so I have to look out for the next…
Serp verliert Geld: 22.8. xKingdomx/xRhinocerosx, Konstanz; 4.9. Fake Problems, München; 15.9. Misery Signals/Your Demise/TN12LLY, München; 25.10. Raised Fist/Deez Nuts/Endwell, München To be continued!