Re: Agalloch – Marrow Of The Spirit

Home Foren Maximum Metal Plattenladen Agalloch – Marrow Of The Spirit Re: Agalloch – Marrow Of The Spirit

#6153139  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 28.07.2010

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I felt giving you an explanation of the situation here.

I(Thomas) do work 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours taking care of almost nothing else than the Agalloch release.
…The release obviously is not only about shipping out the CDs. There’s tons of work that needs to be done before, and afterwards.
In fact all orders placed before December 5th had been shipped and the others are being shipped today.
Please trust us that we’re doing our best to get all orders over to you but with the latest releases we had very bad luck to be honest regarding technical and legal problems.
So – on May there was one person supposed to take care of the shop – the chronology was:

1. Launch new vhr shop – filled with problems. In example about 100 orders simply did not show even if they got paid

2. LEGAL conflict with The End Records and Prophecy. Prophecy forced
us NOT to keep on producing the Agalloch box (after having started
taking preorders) until the legal situation was clear (which means:
giving Prophecy boxes for free – guess how they could offer the boxes
…way cheaper incl. shipment – they didn’t pay for them). We actually
worked out a deal with The End Records about doing the box but it seems
like there had been an unclear legal situation between Prophecy and TER
about which we hadn’t been informed. This was a very frustrating

3. The guy who was taking care of the shipment at our store very
often didn’t add the STATE (i.e. California) on the note of DHL – so the
postal service couldn’t deliver to you guys – these came back after 1-2
months, we were charged a return fee about 20 Euros per box and needed
to reship them due to the person’s failure who was taking care of the
shipment here.

4. New shop launch to get rid off these problems: Merchground – PACKED with technical problems. There were lot’s of people who hadn’t been able to place an order or even more of you placed an order and their order got cancelled for some reason so we need set up orders by hand
5. Then the guy who was su…pposed to take care of the shop quit and left us behind with this huge chaos of orders and “orders which got cancelled” and and and.
6. We could specify and define further problems but at this point I think this shows you some impression what happened over here… it’s a very sad situation but I hope this explains the reason for delays a little.

Anyways – we APOLOGIZE making you guys wait for the limited CD – it was not our intention as we’re proud being able to put out this album in Europe and we want to you to be able to hold this masterpiece in your hands as soon as possible!

And: nobody is getting ripped off by Viva Hate Records.

And as I said above all ord…ers had been shipped which were placed before December 5th, please be patient. IF there’s anybody not receiving his order within the next 10 days (xmas might provoke some delays) please send an email to:


Thomas (Respondek) ist der Typ von Viva Hate.


Und wo ich richtig abgegangen bin, das war bei Dark Funeral, ich hab die ganze Zeit die Songs mitgeschrieen, weil ich kannte wirklich JEDEN Song, und wenn ich mal ne Textpassage nicht gewusst hab, hab ich gebangt. Und dann gings los. Zwo mal hab ichn Brechreiz bekommen vom ganzen Schreien, weil mir die ganze Galle rauskam schon, ich stand dann da, uah geil ey das Feuer bam! und ich war halt - das klingt halt hart - aber ich war kurz davor mir einen zu schrubben, so geil war das.