Re: Asylrecht und Migration

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Registriert seit: 14.07.2010

Beiträge: 1,385

GrenadierWie putzig: völkisches Denken im 21. Jahrhundert.

It’s the current year!

Na dann hoffe ich mal nicht, dass dein Heimatland (…) und Bürgerkriegen heimgesucht wird, so dass dieses Land nicht mehr bewohnbar sein wird.

Gut, dass du es ansprichst. Ich bin ganz deiner Meinung, dass die Vermeidung von Bürgerkriegen ganz oben auf der Liste der politischen Prioriäten stehen sollte. Ich hab auch schon eine Idee, wie das gehen könnte…

Frank SalterIn the 1990s a global study by Rudolf Rummel at the University of Hawaii measured how 109 variables contributed to collective violence of the extreme variety – guerrilla and civil war – between 1932 and 1982; that’s a 50 year period. He found that one fifth of the variation in collective violence was caused by just one variable, the number of ethnic groups within the society. Conflict was made more intense when the antagonistic parties had different religions

A study of contemporary societies by Finnish sociologist Tatu Vanhanen examined ethnic conflict defined more broadly to include discrimination, ethnic parties and interest groups, as well as ethnic violence and civil war. Vanhanen used evolutionary theory to hypothesize that diversity would cause conflict to rise. Among the 176 societies he studied, Vanhanen found that in 2010 two thirds of global variation in ethnic conflict was explained by ethnic diversity.[iii]

In other words, much of the difference between united peaceful countries and those riven by ethnic conflict is the latters’ ethnic diversity.

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