Home › Foren › Live › Tour-Tagebuch › Breed 77 tour diary from Mexico – English Original
17th of April
After a long 12 hours journey from Madrid to Mexico city, having been hit twice by lighting (God, we thought we nearly died after the plane was shaken in a big way), we got to our destination. This city is massive and the heat apart from the odd rain is taking its toll on us. Couldn’t sleep much as the altitude and pollution is bearing heavy on us but as we got here at 10.00pm Mexico time we are really tired. So finally, I doze off.
18th of April
The day starts really early with a press conference, there is press from every corner of Mexico and the vibe is amazing. We start the conference before Mago de Oz and Jorge Salan. You can already sense there is big expectation for our debut gig!
There is a small stage where we sitting and we are bombarded with questions. Mago de Oz are massive here and the place is packed (well, you will have the chance to check out Mago at the end of the year as they are going to Germany). Our style of Flamenco / Metal is really exciting the press here as they are really buzzing with the Latin side of Breed 77.
Mago take the stage after a couple of hours of us doing interviews – cool time for the bar .We head to a restaurant with the Mago de Oz guys around 4 in the afternoon. The food is really spicy here, so I go for some heavy drinkin Tequilla Viva MEXICO!
The whole night we are in Txues (Mago de Oz druummer) hotel room, having tattoos done. This local artist, who by the way is a very good looking Mexican girl, is havin to tattoo three of us whilst we get to drink the whole of the hotel dry. I have a pentagram and half moon tattoo in my right hand – heavy stuff. Tomorrow, we are playing in the local Bull ring for more than 40.000 heavy metal fans! Can’t wait! I am so excited, I can barely sleep.
Well, more tomorrow,
Danny Felice
Breed 77--
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Ladies and gentlemen, dem Großmeister des Niveaulimbo kann man nur so entkommen: hulud auf Ihre Ignorier-Liste setzenSat 19th April Mexico D.F Plaza de Toros la Monumental
The big day is here. After midday we drive to the Mexico D.F Plaza de Toros . The queue is massive, the kids have been queuing since early morning. Never seen anything like it, more than 5000. Awesome! Already, the atmosphere is electric.
After our soundcheck in which the Police orders the promoters to open doors we start our set. VIVA MEXICO. From the first chords the 20,000 crowd erupts in a frenzy mosh, the Mexican audience are amazing, totally into it, even some kids singing our songs:
1. Petroleo
2. Alive
3. Worlds On Fire
4. The Final Prayer
5. Individuo
7. Blind
8. Zombie
9. La Ultima HoraThe set goes down a storm, couldn’t have expected more in our Mexican debut. If anything goes, this tour will be amazing. The place is awesome, its a one live time experience. Only thing to point out as negative is the altitude, this city is very high above sea level, running around the stage makes it is difficult breathing. My god, need to get fitter.
After our set we watch Mago de Oz. Brilliant set, they are massive here. The crowds are totally devoted. After we head to the hotel there’s more party and rock n roll, although we have to get up early in the morning. Have to travel 4 hours.
Sun 20 th April Queretaro Plaza de Toros
We wake up really early as we go to see the famous Aztec Pyramids of Teotihuacan – breath taking. At the very top is an energy point and I am feeling the magic of this place. The pyramids‘ are huge and climbing up is tiring. Although we have to rush back as we have to travel to Queretaro later, we have an amazing time.
The heat is intense although we are traveling in a luxury coach with the Mago guys. It’s heavy, traveling in this heat and the hangover doesn´t help. We get there late as the roads are stuck with traffic. We cannot wait to get to the stage.
As we get in the doors have already opened and the place is filling up. Really intimidating. As we set up, the noise is defining a need for iron nerves to set up really quick. The gig goes down a storm. Its a smaller venue than yesterday, but the audience are as passionate and wild as Mexico city. AWESOME.Tonight, I am dead tired. Its an early night for all but we are off tomorrow and the hotel has a cool swimming pool.
Veracruz 21-25 April
concert Centro de ConvencionesApart from the hours travelling from Queretaro to Veracruz in an exhausting heat we have been in mini holiday: sun, sea, drinks and lovely women for three days: VIVA MEXICO!
Veracruz is a lovely seaport where the Spanish conquistadores first landed in Mexico. It’s an amazing place. I am really sunburned but that’s not going to stop me rocking like a possessed demon of Rock n Roll at tonight’s gig. The sound check was done under an intense heat as the gig was at an open air venue. It was already around midday and the queue who wanted to get in was massive. They expected more than 10,000 people tonight. Our set went down a storm and the crowds went off like ape-shit. Literally spoken: those kids were a non-stop rocking machine. It’s an amazing site. The set was the usual one and the time flew although our drummer was suffering from dehydration after the set. It’s an oven here. After our set, whilst watching Mago de Oz, we ended up signing hundreds of autographs and posing for photos. The night was rounded down with an after party at a local rock club called ‚Dawsons‘, run by our good friend Chuck from Chicago who was heavy partying until sunrise as if he couldn’t do it any other way.
Orizaba Bull ring 26
Woke up with the biggest hangover in history (damn that tequilla). We had a nearly 3 hour drive. The city is quite picturesque, something you would find in a Desperado movie. The gig was awesome and the kids were crazier than those the day before. After Mago’s set we ended up running as more than 5000 kids broke through the barriers and invaded the stage. I’ve never seen anything like that. Tonight I have an early night. I am shattered and we have a long trip tomorrow to Tuxla Gutierrez deep in the Chiapas area.
Tuxla Gutierrez 27
My god, 10 hours drive and I had to get up at 7. That’s not very Rock n Roll my friends. On the way we stopped at a very typical small Mexican restaurant. Good food but spicy hot as hell. We got to the venue, a basketball court, in time for line check and started playing. Believe me, it was very hectic although we ended up having to play two songs less. The set came off as well as usual and the kids were mental here: good Mexican audience. I need to rest, so no partying tonight. Tomorrow we have a day off. We are going to the jungle to the river El Sumidero. I can’t wait. Well, until the next report.
VillaHermosa Centro de Convenciones 1st May
Well, we have been resting for some days now. Everybody has been knackered by the heat and partying every night has taken its toll. But I love Mexico. It’s awesome. I’ve been told that in Villahermosa there are the most beautiful girls in Mexico. I couldn’t wait to get to the gig tonight. The gig went as planned. It was wicked. It was an open air venue but still it was hot. The crowds went mental from the first chords of ‚Petroleo‘. The first rows were all singing the words. It was amazing. Every word spread out of the Breed machine is in motion. After our set we blended in the crowd of more than 8000 to watch Mago de Oz and, yes, the women are stunning. We were surrounded by loads of people and ended up signing all sorts of things – breasts included. Yes, this was awesome. I was in heaven. We ended up the night in our hotel partying hard with the Mago guys and a host of Mexican beauties. It can’t get better my friends. Tomorrow we are going to Cancun and will have some days off.
Cancun Plaza de Torros 3rd May
We’ve been a couple of days in Cancun. Already this is heaven: turquoise water, golden sands and rum. My God, we are in the Caribbean and it’s full of US-pirates. It seems we have been in holiday but tonight it’s down to business. We are now at that stage of the tour where we are tight as fuck and really doing the works. The set was awesome. Although I’m sunburned it was an amazing set. I was sweating like hell but I was not complaining. I loved every minute of this cool stuff. The set was a bit longer tonight. We included ‚So you know‘ with the special collaboration of Fernando and Mohamed from Mago: flute and violin. Respectively it was magical. It was the usual stuff. After the gig we partied until sunset. I’m still on the beach, drunk and happy and already people are starting to flock to the beach. I haven’t slept yet. That is rock n roll my friends.
Merida 6th May
We have made the most of the Caribbean and stayed the best part of a week in Cancun. On our way up the Yucatan to Merida we entered Maya territory and visited Chichen Nitza, an old Maya city full of pyramids and ruins and an old well that gives the city its name. After getting some good deals on masks and statues in the markets around the site we headed to the Yucatan capital of Merida, a city that once hosted the region’s gold rush settlers. The city centre is a beautiful example of colonial architecture and Stuart and I enjoyed a genuine Mexican breakfast completed with Habanero chillies! The concert tonight was amazing. It was in a massive complex like an aircraft hanger and we estimated that there were nearly 10,000 people tonight. There were problems early on with the barriers caving in under the huge crowds but the venue doubled its security and no one was hurt, although some people were borne away after fainting in the extreme heat. There were Breed banners in the crowd tonight and more people were singing the songs… the word is spreading… the Mexican mission continues!
Guadalajara on the 8th may
Well, after two connecting flights from Merida , we found ourselves being driven to la Concha Acoustica in Gudalajara, which means the acoustic shell. The venue was a lovely out door 5000 capacity venue which was set in a big park. It was filled up and oversold by more than 2000 more people which meant that tonight’s show was very special as it’s also Oscar’s – our drummer’s – hometown where he was born. After meeting some members of his family and friends it was time for the show. And what a show! The roar from the crowd that greeted us when the lights went down was deafening. The moment we entered the stage the crowd went mental. It’s amazing to see people getting into our songs and even singing our songs back to us. Which only means, that Mexico is getting into Breed 77’s big time.
Morelia 9th may Palacio del arte
From Guadalajara we found ourselves being driven north in our tour bus – which we share with Mago de Oz – down some lovely country side which looks like it came out of a cowboy film. The country started to change when we started heading up north. It was really nice when we got into whatever town we were playing and we spotted the venue which in this case was a lovely bull ring in a complex. It was also very flattering to see the amount of people who are all queuing up and who have been camping outside the venue from the day before. When we got to the venue we saw that there was a big black dog tied up with a very flimsy looking rope which didn’t look very friendly ha ha! So guess what happened after we played our set: we had finished playing and where helping Jorge – our driver – and the crew to load up Breeds gear into the trailer which was beside the mentioned dogs corner when after some rabid barking our dog breaks his rope and goes for us like lightning. So the fastest band in Mexico was running for their lives and backsides for the safe heaven. That was our backstage room ha ha! Very spinal tap
Sat 10th May Leon Domo de la Feria
Tonight we were in Leon, an awesome city in the mid part of Mexico. The weather was hot as usual but dry. I’m looking forward to a Saturday gig. The whole day before the gig passed with us stuck in the bus travelling, while reading and sleeping the journey soon ended and after unloading our stuff we were off to the gig at around 5 pm. The atmosphere was electric. There already was a massive queue during sound check and you could hear the chants from outside. It reminded me of a football match. The Mexican fans are extremely passionate, cool stuff for tonight. We changed the set a bit adding „Individuo“ from 2002 CULTURA. It goes down really well as it quickens the tempo of the set. It was business as usual. We had some minor problems with my gear but nothing that Paco – Mago’s and Breed’s guitar tech – couldn’t deal with. The guy is really good. We will toast a drink with him later. Whilst Mago de Oz’s set we were mixing with the audience who were really having a cool time while signing autographs and meeting people. The gig was over in a flash. Tonight is rest time. The weather and long travels have taken there toll and I am near exhaustion. Tomorrow we’ll have a long drive and although we have a couple of days off after that I went to bed around 2 am. Until the next report.
Aguascalientes bull ring 11.05.
After a really long journey through the centre of Mexico and after being stopped twice by the federal police with no serious consequences but having to convince the police we were musicians giving them some CDs, we got to Aguascalientes (in English „hot water“ and no wonder because the temperature is seriously hot here!).
The hotel was truly amazing with art everywhere you look at and it is a shame that we are only going to stop here for one night…
Once we got to the gig, tiredness and hangover started to fade away as we felt the vibe from the crowd. And right after a couple of beers and warming up a bit we jumped on the stage ready to show them why we were there!
The gig went down really, really well and the people in the first rows got absolutely crazy about our usual set. We realized the more days we are playing the more people are singing our songs and more „Breed, Breed, Breed!“ is coming from the audience.
When we finished we got back to the hotel with no intentions at all to rest, because we have been told that it is „la feria“ downtown and everyone is partying till the sunlight.
A quick shower and there we went! We got invited to a club called „Rock`n`Drink“ and with such a name, well, let’s say we where not exactly playing poker…
After god knows how many rounds I decided to jump on stage again but this time for singing (thanks god there exist no recordings!!…). After a couple completely out of tunes Spanish blues songs Danny hit the stage to shred along „Smoke On The Water“ and as we got deeper into the night we loosed more and more control and we ended up really, really drunk!!! But at the same time, really, really happy… If it wouldn’t be for tomorrow’s hangover…Hermosillo, 15.05.
Hermosillo means something like „the little nice one“ and we were told that some of the prettiest Mexican women are from there. So we can’t wait to get there…
Tonight the venue was an open air and we were told that it’s going to be absolutely packed with a crazy crowd hungry of metal.
They didn’t lie to us! As we got on stage people were already shouting and ready to show the energy they have been saving for tonight. And we are the living prove that they are really crazy!!! „Petroleo“, then „Alive“ and we had to stop at the third one, „World`s on fire“, because the further rows got absolutely mental and started to push forward getting the first rows smashed!
After Paul’s speech and getting the crowd a bit more calmed down we kept going and ended up with people asking for an encore!!!
These Mexican guys really go for it!!
We ended up the night signing papers, t-shirts and… well, some flesh too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PEDRO CAPARROS
Torreon 14 may
We are reaching the end of the tour. Over here it’s starting to get warmer than usual since we are further north and it’s more like a dessert-weather.
Torreon is a nice little city that’s slowly growing in size. There are some interesting aspects about it like a replica of the Eiffel tower in the centre.
The only downside about this place is that since we got here on a Tuesday everything seems to close pretty early so there wasn’t much time for fun unlike in Mexico city for example, where you could go out clubbing any day at any time.
It is the Wednesday of concert and surprisingly there are already a lot more people than we ever thought there would – considering the size of the city. I reckon at least half of the population in Torreon was there to witness a magical night.
After the concert we carried on partying as always but this time we didn’t even bother to look for a club since we already knew everything would be closed except for a couple of little strip clubs – „tables“ as they are called in Mexico – which OF COURSE we had little interest in!
We finally ended up staying at the hotel messing everything up at the pool and who knows whose room.MEXICALI 17 MAY BULLRING
After a crazy night in Hermosillo where people went mental while we were on stage and almost got the rest of the show cancelled, we headed off to Mexicali.
So far, everything was working as planned until we arrived at the Hermosillo’s airport. After checking in we realised that the airline has made a mistake by overbooking tickets to Mexicali.
Two of us had to be sacrificed: Oscar and Ivonne (our tour manager) were sent on a flight to Tijuana and then driven all the way back to Mexicali (about a 3 hour-drive). They gave them an open return flight each as a way of apologies.
It was not until about 4 pm when we were all finally together in Mexicali. This city is almost as far north as we are getting so we could already feel what a real Mexican dessert heat is like. As we started meeting people we noticed a few who, even though they looked like Mexicans, were surprisingly from Arizona US so the impression you get is similar to what happens in Gibraltar where everyone speaks both English and Spanish (all mixed up in one sentence) as their mother tongue.
The next morning we all started to get ready for show time.
The place is again an open space inside a big park and during the sound check we could already tell how good the acoustic is.
After sound check we had a couple of hours before going on stage which gave us enough time to eat and warm up while the rest of the crew was watching a Mexican football match outside at the park.
8 30 pm and everything was ready. The place was packed up with people who were nothing but anxious to rock out loud!
The intro was on and the crowd going mental but even more when we all came out. You could hear Breed 77!!! shouting everywhere after every song which worked as a huge boost up for us on stage. Once again it was a total success as we left the stage with people asking for more.Oscar
TIJUANA 18 May Autitorio Municipal
Well, with great sadness I’ve realized that the last gig is here. It’s been five weeks and we have loved every minute of it. It was an awesome experience that I hopefully will repeat soon. We had arrived at the same day of the gig hours before the doors opened so we checked in at the hotel and rushed to the venue for sound check. The trip was breathtaking as we drove all the way through the desert and the Rumorosa mountains. An awesome view but the heat was intense. Thank god for air conditioning. The sound check went really well and it was done very quickly. We could hear the crowds outside and the securities were pushing to open the doors as trouble may flare outside. The gig went down like a storm. We played an extra song tonight: ‚So you know‘ with Fernando and Mohamed from Mago de Oz making a special appearance. Awesome! As we were finishing the set in ‚La Ultima Hora‘ the Mago memebers invaded the stage and proceeded to dismantle our gear and jump around the stage. Well, we where expecting some joke because it was the last gig. We had a right laugh and a couple of shots of tequila. Immediately after the set the party began. Whilst Mago’s set we got completely wasted and invaded the stage a couple of times. Like always we ended up with the audience until Mago’s last song in which we were invited on stage for a farewell drink and to salute to the audience. I have to say a very special thanks to Mago de Oz and especially the Mexican audience who has been awesome from day one on.We ended up drinking the night away. We have to catch a plane to Mexico DF and then Madrid tomorrow. We are talking about a 12 hour travel. Well, we better get ready for some jetlag and have a rest. It’s been great to report to the great pages of Metal Hammer. We will soon be playing in Germany. We just confirmed some dates with In Extremo for July/August so we will catch there. STAY HEAVY ! See you on the road.
Breed 77
After a crazy night in Hermosillo where people went mental while we were on stage and almost got the rest of the show cancelled, we headed off to Mexicali.
So far, everything was working as planned until we arrived at the Hermosillo’s airport. After checking in we realised that the airline has made a mistake by overbooking tickets to Mexicali.
Two of us had to be sacrificed: Oscar and Ivonne (our tour manager) were sent on a flight to Tijuana and then driven all the way back to Mexicali (about a 3 hour-drive). They gave them an open return flight each as a way of apologies.
It was not until about 4 pm when we were all finally together in Mexicali. This city is almost as far north as we are getting so we could already feel what a real Mexican dessert heat is like. As we started meeting people we noticed a few who, even though they looked like Mexicans, were surprisingly from Arizona US so the impression you get is similar to what happens in Gibraltar where everyone speaks both English and Spanish (all mixed up in one sentence) as their mother tongue.
The next morning we all started to get ready for show time.
The place is again an open space inside a big park and during the sound check we could already tell how good the acoustic is.
After sound check we had a couple of hours before going on stage which gave us enough time to eat and warm up while the rest of the crew was watching a Mexican football match outside at the park.
8 30 pm and everything was ready. The place was packed up with people who were nothing but anxious to rock out loud!
The intro was on and the crowd going mental but even more when we all came out. You could hear Breed 77!!! shouting everywhere after every song which worked as a huge boost up for us on stage. Once again it was a total success as we left the stage with people asking for more.Oscar
:horns: The Show in Mexicali was TOTALLY AWESOME!!!
remember the guy on the right side[your left] singing every single song?
it was me :]I have to say that I enjoyed much more your show than Mago de Oz’s
[maybe cause the organization outside was a total mess and even if
i LOVE mago de oz (they are my fav band) they didn’t play a good set list.you got a lot of new fans
the crowd was asking for more!hope you come back soon [headlining this time please]
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