Home › Foren › Metal-Markt › Biete… › Broken Down ‚The Other Shore – Indus Rock / Indus Metal
Industrial Rock / Metal UFO Broken Down’s new album ‚The Other Shore‘ will be released in February 2016 through Altsphere Production on CD, digital and limited handnumbered digipack.Discover a music sample and 5 records that may have influenced the one-man-band’s music for this album.
One of the main themes of the lyrics is about creating its own art without censoring yourself. It’s about freedom, free-thinking and pushing people to create and to share.
That’s also why you’ll find around the internet stems (separated channels) of the songs to build your own remixes as an answer to The Other Shore. This album is definitively living within its era.
Learn More : Broken Down Page @ Altsphere.com
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Broken Down’s upcoming album ‚The Other Shore‘, schedulded for February 26th, has been reviewed:
„in the same rank with Rammstein. And that is not a exaggeration, because they really are that great. (…) a great album, one that can become the staple of the genre in future“ (DutchMetalManiac)
„Maybe you need to have listened to Queen, (…) Nine Inch Nails, Frank Zappa, a lot of metal, Electrowave and everything else, to be able to fully grasp all the ideas badges.“ 8/10 (Fumo, inchiostro e basso – Luca De Pasquale Blog)
„you might give it a try, I think. Nine Inch Nails meet (older) Faith No More meet Carnival in Coal meet Megaherz meet later Manes, isn’t that an appropriate description? I didn’t think it is either, but do you have any other suggestion? „, 75/100 (ConcreteWeb.be)
Industrial Metal / Rock one-man-band will released the song ‚The Other Shore‘ as first single of the album of the same name on January 15th.
Stay tuned at https://www.facebook.com/brokendownofficial/
Another Shore single / Maxi EP [ Third Spit ]Industrial Metal / Industrial Rock one-man-band Broken Down have released a brand new song, ‚The Other Shore‘, taken from band’s eponymous album The Other Shore schedulded for February 26th 2016.
This single, called Another Shore, is available as digital download on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer,… and includes as bonus an unplugged version recorded December 2015 using an acoustic guitar, a tiny djembe, an empty beer can, a chopstick, a tambourine and a metal lid.
The single is available as a free maxi-EP exclusively at Bandcamp (https://broken-down.bandcamp.com/album/another-shore) and includes remix tracks by S.H.I.Z.U.K.A (France) and Kiss is Kill (Seattle, USA).
Broken Down published online stems (separated channel) of its songs taken from The Other Shore to let you build your own remixes. Feel free to send your song to the band or label.
The Other Shore remix pack : The Other Shore remix pack
This Art Is Mine remix pack : This Art Is Mine remix pack
Watch the videoclip of new Broken Down’s single, ‘The Other Shore [ unplugged ]’, taken from eponymous album, out February 26th.This unplugged version has been recorded in December 2015 using an acoustic guitar, a tiny djembe, an empty beer can, a set of keys, a chopstick, a tambourine, a metal lid and a Casio PT-10.
Maxi-EP / single ‘Another Shore’ is available as free digital download on Bandcamp, including 2 bonus remixs, and as streaming and digital download on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer,…
Watch the videoclip of new BROKEN DOWN’s single, ‚The Other Shore‘, taken from the album of the same name scheduled for February 26th.
The Other Shore full-length album is now available on pre-order:
-as CD or limited hand-numbered digipack
- as digital download from iTunes
- as digital download from Amazon
- and from your usual good music dealers…This song is also available on the maxi-EP / single Another Shore as free digital download on Bandcamp, including 2 bonus remixes, and as streaming and digital download on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer,…
Broken Down has been broken down into a remix by Waves :
Your turn now !
Download and make your own remix :
Download remix pack of The Other Shore and This Art Is Mine– Osmosis is immediate for the tolerant avid music lover and eager for new challenges. Going to the other side of the shore, Jeff Maurer completed a Calvary to regain the light and become one of the great hopes of French industrial metal scene. 5/5 (MusicWaves.fr)
– „Everything is everywhere, even though there is still a designated and clearly audible formula. (…) it’s worth checking out if you’re up to the musical challenge. As I said, I hear some Solefald influence here“ (The Grim Tower)
– Scribble Your World reminds Nine Inch Nails with electronic drums and big bass. (…) There is at least something in this project that is not given to everyone, it is an identity. 7/10 (Pavillon666.fr)
– We are left with an electro-industrial-rock disc (…) The sound and production, similar to the first album, are free from defects; the drum machine is powerful and synthetic effects well brought. The balance between the instruments is found quickly but putting the mix in favor of the drum machine and the voice at the expense of the rest makes „The Other Shore“ may not passionate diehard metalheads, 11/20 (French-Metal.com)
Read the complete news here : BROKEN DOWN new album The Other Shore Out NowIndustrial Metal / Industrial Rockone-man-band Broken Down releases today its second album The Other Shore.
The Other Shore in the press
-Broken Down is one of the bands that you would recommend to people who try to get into industrial metal in the ame rank with Rammstein. And that is not a exaggeration, because they really are that great. (…) a great album, one that can become the staple of the genre in future (Dutch Metal Maniac)– you might give it a try, I think. Nine Inch Nails meet (older) Faith No More meet Carnival Coal meet Megaherz meet later Manes, isn’t that an appropriate description? I didn’t think it is either, but do you have any other suggestion?, 75/100
– Everything is everywhere, even though there is still a designated and clearly audible formula. It’s the kind of record that obviously will not be for every listener, but it’s worth checking out if you’re up to the musical challenge. As I said, I hear some Solefald influence here, so I feel that fans of that legendary experimental act will want to give this one a listen as well.
Listen to the complete album at Bandcamp
Three ways to reach The Other Shore
This new record including 9 original tracks is available as 3 different formats:
– as CD or limited hand-numbered digipack from Altsphere or from your usual good music dealers
– as digital download from iTunes, Amazon, Spotify,…Your turn now !
A month ago Broken Down released the free downloadable single / maxi EP Another Shore which notably includes remixes by S.H.I.Z.U.K.A (FR) and by Kiss is Kill (US). Broken Down put online the stems (separated channel) of its songs to let you build your own remixes as an answer to this original tracks. Feel free to send your song to brokendown [ @ ] altsphere [dot ] com.Discover how new album The Other Shore has been made, through a long interview (in French). Foreign friends, use your fave translator : Broken Down answers to Pavillon666.fr
– „Again he dared ! A second time he came to output this UFO on our innocent planet, and again closed minds will run from it.
„The Other Shore“ put a new stone to Broken Down’s building and although it is completely twisted, it’s solid. The record is more successful than the previous album, a very good mark of evolution“, 17/20 (Magic Fire Music)– „nine tracks that run through pure genius to irrationality to pistons‘ strokes (…) Jeff’s musical roots lie in the old records of Nine Inch Nails, Ministry and Killing Joke: Official ( ..)
The result is complex and structured, a music that you can hardly listen as background music for your daily chores, it deserves a particular attention to be fully appreciated.“ 75% (The Pit Of The Damned – Italia)– „vielmehr regiert eine gelungene Mischung aus elektronischen Beats, Loops und Gitarren, die mich wieder gerne mal an Cat Rapes Dog erinnern.( …) nichts ist vorhersehbar“ (Amboss-magazin.de)
– „Musikalisch sitzt der Franzose mit seinem Projekt zwischen allen Stühlen. Industrial, Pop, Hip-Hop und eben auch ein wenig Gothic, der Hörer kann auf dem Silberling Einflüsse aus nahezu jedem denkbaren Genre finden. Das klingt auf Anhieb nach einer ganz verrückten Mischung“(Power-Metal.de)
This disc is a UFO and exerts a fascinating attractive force on the mind of the listener like flying saucers! PS: If Frank Zappa was still alive, his records probably look like those of BROKEN DOWN! (Nawakposse)
There is a good vibe to the music here, and it is one that we believe Industrial Metal fans might enjoy some of it. The title track, for example, will appeal to those who like White Zombie. (Maelstrom Zine)
Dig : PZZL#2 – Disciples of Mr Sun
Listen : BandcampMore multitrack source to dig into and a new piece of the broken puzzle to get by uploading your vision of the world on picture.
http://scribbleyourworld.ovh„absolutely bizarre industrial rock (…) Broken Down has the enormous advantage that it is not something you would have heard a thousand times. ‚The Other Shore‘ breaks all conventional grid, is a little bit catchy and is more a wild experiment than a normal LP. (…) So big applause for thinking outside the box“, 8/10 (legacy Magazin /DE)
„if you are not scared by the intentions of a musician trying to lose sanity, I recommend to get your feet wet into that musical indigestion“ (Friedhof Magazin /ES)
[ PZZL#3 ]
Broken Down The Other Shore out now on CD, digital download and limited hand-numbered digipack
Alienated Music…
Dig and find who’s said to be alienated from this world…This record is a whole as music is treated as art. One of the main themes of the lyrics is about creating its own art without censoring yourself. It’s about freedom, free-thinking and pushing people to create and to share.
That’s also why you’ll find around the internet stems (separated channeLS? multitracks sources) of the songs to build your own remixes as an answer to the original songs.… download Alienated Music multitrack sources /stems and create your own track as some artists have already done with The Other Shore…
Listen :
– The Other Shore [ S.H.I.Z.U.K.A remix ]
– The Other Shore [ Kiss Is Kill remix ]
– The Other Shore [ Waves remix ][#PZZL5]
Dig and find new Broken Down’s exclusive content…
Broken Down’s new album The Other Shore is a whole as music is treated as art. It’s about freedom, free-thinking and pushing people to create and to share…
… download Speculator multitrack sources /stems and create your own track as some artists have already done with the track The Other Shore taken from eponymouse album…
[#PZZL6 / 6]
Hi Folks,
Here comes the new and lastest piece of a broken puzzle… So now you know there are 6 pieces to get from the Internet…
Soon another web page will appear to tell you more about it…But for the moment, it is time for you to dig and find the new and lastest piece, to get exclusive content from Industrial Metal / Industrial Rock band Broken Down, to upload your own music track, song or remix of a Broken Down’s track and to download ‚This Art Is Mine‘ multirack sources to build your own track.
[ PZZL #Final ]
Have you dug enough ? Have you collected enough pieces ?
Industrial Metal / Industrial Rock band Broken Down presents A Broken Puzzle… https://broken-puzzle.ovh
Schlagwörter: Alternative Metal, Alternative Rock, free loop, indus metal, indus music, indus rock, Industrial Metal, industrial music, industrial rock, remix pack
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